Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to make movie

Nowadays many people don't know how to make movie or video. There are a lot of ways you can make video with and the important way is the movie maker. In this essay I'm going to write about the program which helps you to make the movies.

First of all, upload all the images and video that u want to make them in movie, after that add the titles or notes that you want to show with each picture or video organize all the images in the right order you want to show, then you add the side effects to the video and also you may add some songs to make you video more interested.

In conclusion, I have written about how to make movie and I think that I included all the steps to make movie or video so have have fun and enjoy the movie that you have done.

1 comment:

  1. You should use full stop instead of the commas. Use commas when you change the subject in sentences.
    wish you the best.
