Tuesday, October 5, 2010

E-portfolio vs paper portfolio

 In the past people used to have papers portfolio, now days we use the E-portfolio to save our work in laptop and can be access from everywhere. In my essay I will write about the similarity and the difference between the Paper portfolio and the E-portfolio.

There is a lot of difference and similarities between papers portfolio and E-portfolio. First major similarity that both of them keep our work saved so we can go back and read them anytime. Another important similarity is that is they are both possible to be a reference for other people. A final significant similarity is that both of them are important in the education field and still used as a major learning tactic.

Although they have so many thing in common but still the difference can’t be ignored. The first major deference is that E-portfolio is saved and can’t be damaged or lost in the other hand the paper portfolio can be damaged or lost. Another important deference is the E-portfolio can be access from anywhere but the paper portfolio you need to carry it. A Final significant deferent is that E-portfolio can be shared all over the world but the Paper portfolio take much time to share.

After all you can read what i have written above that E-portfolio is better in some way than Paper portfolio. In my opinion I suggest that all students have to use the E-portfolio so they can share and save their work properly.       

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