Friday, October 29, 2010

compering contrast ENG 125 and LSEC 100

Nowadays there are a lot of student in ADMC college learning ENG 125 and LSEC 100. In my essay I would like to write about the similarities and differences between ENG 125 and LSEC 100.

There are many important similarities between ENG 125 and LSEC 100. First major similarte is that we learn in both of them einglish. Another important similarte is that we have to save in both courses our pepper in protifolim. A fanil significant similarte is that we have to write to much essays in both of them.

Although there are a lot of similartities, also there are some diffrancese between ENG 125 and LSEC 100. Firast major difference is that we learn grammar in ENG 125 but in LSEC 100 we don't learn grammar. Another important difference is that we learn how to read and write in ENG 125 but in LSEC 100 we only learn how to research. A fanil significant difference is that we learn in ENG 125 we dont learn sarch bit on the other hand we learn in LSEC 100 how to research for information.

All in all, the similarities outwight the diffarincese. In my opinion we learn a lot of new things in both of them so that is good and I hope that all student get bass on this courses.

1 comment:

  1. Dont forget the "s" when you speak in the plural. Do not make a simple and routine introduction, try to make it more exciting.
    wish you the best.
