Tuesday, June 7, 2011

semi-Formal presentation summary

On May 29, I attended a presentation by my classmates, Hamdan Albraiki, Khalid Hassan and Fahad Alkindi. It look place in vlassroom T 005 at 3:00 im going to talk about Khalid Hassan and his presentation.

Everyone should take 4 to 7 min in front the camera and the teacher to talk about his part. Our presentation was about the article malting and see raise in level, and Khalid's part was to talk about the introduction. Khalid started to talk in front of the camera he was little bet nervous because he was standing in front the camera. However he was good speaker he had good ayes contact, Kahlid Hassan has improved his self from last presentation although he used paper to read his word for the presentation but he did good and that what makes him happy. i think that Khalid need to improve his skills and he need to try present a presentation whiteout reading a paper.

in conclusion, Khalid did very well in his second presentation and i believe that Khalid have more then this if he practice for sure he will be better in the future.       

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