Saturday, May 7, 2011

semi-Formal presentation summary

On Apr27, I attended a presentation by my classmates, fahad alkendi and khaled almarzoge and hamdan, Mohammed alromaithi. It took place in classroom w 008 at 4:00.

The presentation was about iPhone vs galaxy, and it was between ten to eleven minutes long.
Hamdan had good eye contact with the whole classroom during the presentation, and he also had a very friendly, confident manner. He were well-organized and used the PPT technology without any problems. He also had excellent body movement and used his hands to
Make his points clear and also to show us information on the slides. He spoke at a good volume and rate, but he had difficulty saying some of the more difficult English words. In future, he should find out how to say these word and practice them.

The information in the presentation was mostly clear and also it was good. He include an opener at the beginning so I think that the audience was interested in his topic. However, he did a nice conclusion which summarized his main information.

The PowerPoint was very good in general. There were only key words on all the slides and the visuals were clear. It was good choices of pictures.

Overall, I thought the presentation was very good. It was clear that he practiced some because he was organized. However, there were still some areas, like the pronunciation, which he should work in future.

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