Tuesday, June 7, 2011


In the end of semester reconnaissance that i had some new skills and it was all thinks for Ms, Gregory, the skills i have learn is present a presentation and do a meeting and this all skills i have gained from LSEC 101. It was one of the most important subject, i had improvement after I attended this class.

i was very happy that i study with teacher Gregory he help us to improve our skill and he showed us how we can organize our work. In meeting he showed us how to make agenda for meeting and about that this meeting make us recognize that if we need to do something in our lief  we have to meet before it, before this semester i was low skill in doing presentation but all thinks for Ms, Gregory i have improved my skills and i did very will in my presentation even tough i dint speak will but i gave information good i hope in future i improve my skills in this thing because it will help me in real lief.

In conclusion, its my pleasure to work with great man and i will work by his notes. I also will try to improve my English in the future and always learn from the mistakes i do. LSEC N101 subject teach me a lot and i get better day after day. for sure I will use it in the future i will use this skills in my career.

semi-Formal presentation summary

On May 29, I attended a presentation by my classmates, Hamdan Albraiki, Khalid Hassan and Fahad Alkindi. It look place in vlassroom T 005 at 3:00 im going to talk about Khalid Hassan and his presentation.

Everyone should take 4 to 7 min in front the camera and the teacher to talk about his part. Our presentation was about the article malting and see raise in level, and Khalid's part was to talk about the introduction. Khalid started to talk in front of the camera he was little bet nervous because he was standing in front the camera. However he was good speaker he had good ayes contact, Kahlid Hassan has improved his self from last presentation although he used paper to read his word for the presentation but he did good and that what makes him happy. i think that Khalid need to improve his skills and he need to try present a presentation whiteout reading a paper.

in conclusion, Khalid did very well in his second presentation and i believe that Khalid have more then this if he practice for sure he will be better in the future.       

Saturday, May 7, 2011

semi-Formal presentation summary

On Apr27, I attended a presentation by my classmates, fahad alkendi and khaled almarzoge and hamdan, Mohammed alromaithi. It took place in classroom w 008 at 4:00.

The presentation was about iPhone vs galaxy, and it was between ten to eleven minutes long.
Hamdan had good eye contact with the whole classroom during the presentation, and he also had a very friendly, confident manner. He were well-organized and used the PPT technology without any problems. He also had excellent body movement and used his hands to
Make his points clear and also to show us information on the slides. He spoke at a good volume and rate, but he had difficulty saying some of the more difficult English words. In future, he should find out how to say these word and practice them.

The information in the presentation was mostly clear and also it was good. He include an opener at the beginning so I think that the audience was interested in his topic. However, he did a nice conclusion which summarized his main information.

The PowerPoint was very good in general. There were only key words on all the slides and the visuals were clear. It was good choices of pictures.

Overall, I thought the presentation was very good. It was clear that he practiced some because he was organized. However, there were still some areas, like the pronunciation, which he should work in future.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

College Gender Integration

It was a sunny day I was going to college for meeting with my friend about college gender integration. I arrived to class early I sit my thing to start the meeting. although I was member but I participate. Fahad is our leader and khaled was the note taker we started the meeting after the signal from the teacher. Fahad started to talk about the college gender integration and asked us what's our opinion about it and we discussed about it.Hamdan started to talk and we discussed what will be the student reaction we managed our time and talked about all the point in the agenda, the meeting was success. We had like 2 grope in meeting and this two grope was two agreed with the college gender and two other was disagree with college gender. If we didn't have time limit I think it will continue for ever. All of all, we discuss the idea of the college gender college integration and I think that we talked about all the things we need to talk about

minuts :
Our meeting starts on Date 13 March 2011. We had started at 2:20 afternoon, and it ended at 2:40 afternoon. In ADMC – Room W104. Our topic was College gender integration. Our meeting participants was Fahad AlKendi the leader, Khalid ALMarzouqi the note taker, Hamdan Albraiki and Mohammed ALRumaithi are members.
We talked about if integration agenda is a good idea for the college or not and how will it affect the student life. Secondly, we discussed how we could prepare student for that, and what the steps are. In additional, we talked about the student families’ reaction about integration. Finally, we came up with few solutions to make the integration something easier and acceptable.
We had get out in few solutions such as, put a lot of cameras to watch and cover the college to make the college a safe place for both gender. The integration gender is a good thing for HCT. It encourages the student to work harder with Competition between boys and girls. We could we prepare the student to accept gender integration and reduce the disadvantages of it. We will take the recommendation to student council and Mohammed will follow.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

problems in presintion

Nowaday a lot of as have problem in making presintion.my problem is that I get litil bet nerves wale I'm standing affront of all people and what makes me nerves is that i don't know a lot of word in English. Second thing is in my life I didn't make presintion so it's litil bet hard to me to talk darktle, and some time I forget what I'm going to talk about.my first presintion was last year when was in the foundation it's was in arbec languish so I didn't make mistake and the second one it was in this year I filt nerves because I didn't know the mining of word in English that I want to use but I did my bast in it so I hope you knowed about me a lot and you can help me improve in presintion.